Flashtalk Technology

Electronics Manufacturing
From prototype to volume production, we have the expertise and resources to support your project by producing a quality product, on-time, in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Electronics Manufacturing

About Us

We understand the importance of selecting the right Electronics Manufacturing Services partner. You will find we are committed to the core principles of providing the highest quality, cost effective, and responsive electronic assembly services available. Our experienced team is focused on providing each of our customers with maximum value coupled with the highest levels of service possible.

Located in Solon, Ohio, Flashtalk Technology provides a complete range of electronics manufacturing services from design and prototyping through final assembly, distribution and direct order fulfillment. We have the ability to seamlessly integrate with your design, assembly, or distribution efforts with the effective utilization of state of the art equipment, process controls and integrated supply chain management systems.

When the success of your business depends on selecting the right electronics manufacturing service provider, you can count on Flashtalk Technology to provide the attention to detail, levels of communication and customer service required to create an effective partnership. Our objective is to apply our technologies, systems and expertise to your product and help you successfully go to market.

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